


Your digital marketing checklist for reopening your business

Published: May 2020

Digital marketing checklist

While it may not be clear when exactly businesses will reopen, there’s no time like the present to get your digital marketing strategies in order. 

Digital marketing should play a role in every layer of your marketing funnel:  from brand awareness all the way through to consideration, conversion and even brand advocacy. However, a lot of work goes on behind the scenes to maintain consistent success. With the right preparations in place, digital marketing campaigns can yield amazing results for all businesses: B2B and B2C. 

At Urban River, we help businesses harness the power of digital marketing and get real results from their campaigns. Whether you’re ready to kickstart your digital marketing today, or you’re simply preparing for the post-lockdown world, keep reading to discover a handy checklist to maximise your digital marketing when the time is right for you.



Before you even start planning any new campaigns, you should take some time to assess the state of your current digital marketing setup. 

The world has changed exponentially over the last three months and so should your marketing strategies. Put some time aside to deep dive into your Google Analytics, which pages on your website are performing? Are there any surprise winners/losers from the lockdown period? Have your biggest referrers of traffic changed?

Next, take a closer look at your PPC campaigns. If you have, in any way, changed the services you offer, you may be wasting money on campaigns that are no longer relevant. The same goes for Facebook and Linkedin: are your target audiences still responding? Has your reach dropped off? What is working and what is not?

If you don’t take the time to carry out this vital housekeeping, you will risk spending money on campaigns that don’t yield results. 

Don’t forget to assess the language you use and content you create, is it sensitive to the current situation? Do you need to adapt your tone of voice to recognise the changing landscape? These are all questions you should ask yourself during the housekeeping stage.


Content creation

Once you have a better understanding of what works and what doesn’t right now, you can turn your attention to creating tailored content for your target audience. If your brand is professional and informative, you should consider how long-form content like eBooks and white papers can support your customers in your area of expertise. If humour and wit are more your things, consider how your customer care agents use Twitter – could they be given a little more freedom to make connections and give your brand a truly personal voice?

Remember: your brand doesn’t have to fit into a single box, a well-developed brand strategy will support you to find and create the right content your audience will love. If you’re stuck at this juncture, give us a shout – we’re experts in creating and developing brands that pack a punch.


Get in touch with the Urban River team for a chat about how digital marketing can support you to relaunch your business in a post-lockdown world, email


Make lists

Now is a great time to make lists. Who do you want to work with? Which influencers stand out on your chosen platforms? Where do you see the best content? This process will not only teach you about what content works well for your audience, but it will also help you gain perspective of where your industry is taking digital marketing.

Twitter has its own Lists tool that you can use to create public and private lists of individuals in different categories. You could also embrace a project management tool like Trello as a repository for inspiring content to look back at later.


Touchbase with your existing customers

With many individuals facing financial hardship and businesses making tough decisions, now is not the time for the hard sell. Instead, we recommend reaching out to existing customers to find out how you can help. 

For example, an email newsletter is a quick and easy way to share content and offers with your database. Try to focus on informative and insightful content with offers acting as a bonus feature, rather than the main point of your email. This is where you will stand out from the crowd.

You can also tap into the power of the Facebook Pixel to promote special offers or promo codes to those who have already visited your website. This strategy is great if you have a high bounce rate or a large number of abandoned baskets.


Tap into affiliates

When it comes to reaching new audiences right now, we have to be sensitive. Financial priorities have changed and, depending on what you sell, the demand for your service may have increased or decreased as a result.

Affiliates are a fantastic digital marketing tool that allows you to boost your brand’s reputation by transmitting key messages through trusted content creators and publishers. Why not reach out to key influencers and create a promo code they can share with their audience, or host an online training session with a market-leading guest speaker? Even in this changing landscape, there is still an abundance of opportunities for you to grow your reach online 

Not sure where to start with your digital marketing checklist?
Here at Urban River we are helping businesses with their digital marketing to reopen for business.
Get in touch with our team for a chat on 0191 456 6199.

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