


Urban River Steers Pass’N’Go Into the Digital Age

Published: October 2015

We’re thrilled to share with you the results of one of our biggest digital projects in Urban River history – moving nationwide driving school Pass’N’Go’s entire business system online.

We’ve been creating bespoke web design for 13 years for over 300 businesses, but this was a one of a kind project. The brief of this project was to steer Pass’N’Go’s traditional booking method of telephone bookings into the digital arena, developing a sophisticated user experience and real-time online booking system which can be used by driving instructors and pupils nationwide.

This new online system ensures that both customers and instructors are fully equipped with everything they could possibly need to accelerate their driving test experience with Pass’N’Go.

Customer Functionality

A snapshot of the customer dashboard on Pass'N'Go's new system

A snapshot of the customer dashboard on Pass’N’Go’s new system

Pass’N’Go customers now have the opportunity to test drive bespoke online features that no other driving school offers under a complete online system. Some of these features include:-

  • The ability to book, cancel and amend driving lessons through the online calendar in real-time
  • Messenger feature between instructor and pupil
  • The ability to watch tutorial videos to help perfect different techniques which were taught in their previous driving lessons
  • Request to book a driving/theory test online
  • Purchase additional driving materials to help with their test preparation in the via their online shop
  • Track your progress from first to last lesson and share it via social media

 Driving Instructor Features

A snapshot of the instructor's calendar on the new Pass'N'Go system

A snapshot of the instructor’s calendar on the new Pass’N’Go system

The system provides a unique and interactive experience for both customers and instructors alike who have now been all fully trained about the features which their new site has to offer. Some of these include:-

  • Online calendar allowing instructors to confirm, amend and cancel bookings
  • Dashboard statistics detailing customer pass and fail rates and active customer count
  • Email and mobile itinerary – sending instructors reminders for upcoming lesson and practical tests
  • Messenger feature between instructor and pupil
  • Managing customer profiles – allowing the instructor to rate pupil’s progress and monitor each manoeuvre on a ‘star rating’ basis
  • Real time travel distance calculator – measuring the distance between previous drop off point, to the pickup point of the next lesson – giving instructors the ability to utilise their free time slots as efficiently as possible and offer additional lesson time to customers close to them – thus increasing profits for instructors and Pass’N’Go.

Urban River’s Head of Digital Robert Cummings project managed the creation of this system from inception to implementation.

He said: “It was great to be managing this project working alongside Pass’N’Go and we’re thrilled with the results of revolutionising their entire system and moving it online.

We’ve received excellent feedback from Pass’N’Go instructors, staff and customers and we’re also looking forward to working with Pass’N’Go in the near future, making further exciting digital advancements to the system.

Take a look at the new Pass’N’Go system here.


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